Would you be willing to help?

This entry was posted by KK on Thursday, 23 June, 2011 at

I have recently heard of this family who were working on an international adoption but who after taking a giant leap of faith by pursuing a domestic situation was chosen by their adoption agency to add three young boys to the seven children they already have. Wow! I remember just a few short months ago when Jason and I decided we would quit foster care and pursue an international adoption we received a phone call and were offered pre-adoptive newborn twins (an offer God knew I wouldn’t refuse). God is pretty amazing like that. When you know, you just KNOW. This family is experiencing the same type of revelation and I am asking for your help. We all can’t adopt, I truly get that. But we can all do our part to not only help others to adopt who are able and willing but also to obey God’s request that we “look after orphans and widows in their distress”. This family has a lot of money to raise in a very short period of time and it would mean the world to them if you were able to help in any way. Would you consider skipping your daily or weekly trip to Starbucks? Would you consider staying at home one night this weekend and eating PBJ’s instead of going out to eat and donating that money to this family? Every little bit helps. Please help! You’ll be SO blessed!!

To help this family, simply click on their Donate tab on their right side bar and it will take you to their PayPal.

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One Response to “Would you be willing to help?”

  1. Kim

    Awesome! Thanks for posting this … just caught up on your blog. YEAH GOD!!! for the TREASURES you’ve been gifted! LOVE IT!

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