
This entry was posted by KK on Sunday, 14 November, 2010 at

As I walked out of Target today I stepped on a crack with my left foot. I saw about three more cracks on the pavement from where I stood before I got to where Jason was parked waiting for me. I was hoping to step on the next immediate crack with my right foot {because whatever my left foot does my right foot also has to do so they always remain in perspective} and it didn’t line up with my stride so I missed it. It is important that it all just falls into place like it was all a part of a plan so I wanted to try again to see if it naturally worked out. So approaching the next crack, I shortened the distance I was stepping out with my left foot, increasing the distance with the right, so that by the time I reached the crack perhaps my right foot would have landed right on it. Missed it again. With one crack and a very short distance left I knew if I didn’t want to shuffle my feet in order to step on the crack then I was indeed going to miss it leaving my right foot completely bummed out because it didn’t feel the completeness of stepping on a crack. I don’t like things being left incomplete and I decided drastic measures had to be taken. So I shifted my feet {which is not something a person can do discretely because you are actually swapping your front foot with the back foot in mid air without progressing forward… like a little hop & swap maneuver} and my right foot ultimately landed perfectly on the crack just before reaching the car. <insert fireworks imagery>

As soon as I did my little hop & swap, I looked around to see if anyone saw me and I caught two people starring right at me with the oddest looks on their faces. They probably just thought I like to spice up the way I walk from time to time. Luckily, they can’t read my mind. Then again, if I was worried about what people thought of me I would be posting this little incident on my blog.

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