Archive for category Life’s A Sweet Fruit

Christmasy stuff…

Posted by KK on Wednesday, 15 December, 2010

Christmas is in the air around the Bailey house. I feel like there’s a new project every day. We haven’t been shopping once this year but instead are replacing all our time baking and painting and doing fun stuff. I love it. I did panic just a bit a couple days ago when I realized that despite my kid’s not requesting much in the way of gifts, they still did write a few things down and I had not purchased one item. So I took about an hour or so while they played outside in the snow on Monday to do some cyber shopping and finished in just over an hour still drinking hot coffee and wearing my pajamas. It was awesome. I chose really cheap shipping despite the multiple warnings they gave me about making sure I chose the right method in order to receive our goodies before the big day (which is all hogwash to try and pry more money out of you) and since my kids know santa isn’t real then they wouldn’t even care if something came a couple days late. By the time I went to bed Monday night, I had received shipping notices for everything and it will all be here days before Christmas. Oh yea.

So what have we been up to? Well, we made and decorated cookies a few days ago (see photos in my previous post). It was fun and no one was killed in the process which was a plus. I have issues with flour and sugar and the potential mess it all can make along with letting little boys go nuts with it and slosh it all out of the bowl. I micromanage them big time when we do things like that as a family. I can’t help it. I have issues. But I did do something that I am very proud of….I let them paint!! Yes, I did. And as I realized the other day that I am turning 34 years old this month, have been a mother for almost 10 years now and am beginning to even dress a bit more matronly (because it is freakin’ comfortable and practical) that I do not own a single nativity set. Nope. Not one. Some people I know have oodles of them but I haven’t one. Well, I do now. And it is the best one in the world. Why is it the best? Because my sweet boys painted it all by themselves. I stopped in Hobby Lobby a week or more ago (vowing that would be my very last trip to Turkey creek until after the holidays so since Earthfare is there I am not sure how we are going to eat but we’ll figure it out) and they had all their Christmas crafts and decorations 50% off. I saw the cutest unfinished wood nativity set that was originally $35 (which I got for $17.50) that you could paint and knew I had to have it. I hope to collect a few more nativity sets over the years because I love them but I will never forget that my very first one was hand painted by all my sweeties. They did a fabulous job, too. I completely let them have at it and didn’t try and manage them at all. Mama’s comin’ around. Slowly but surely.

Christmas Cookies…

Posted by KK on Monday, 13 December, 2010


Busy Baileys.

Posted by KK on Friday, 10 December, 2010

We have been so busy here. It’s been a good busy, the kind that makes you feel good and that warms your heart. I love that kind of busy. We’ve not been shopping for Christmas one time and it’s already the 10th but I don’t care. I am so ready for things to slow down but when I say ‘slow down’ I mean fill our days with family fun like baking cookies, painting our nativity set I bought at the craft store for my boys to paint for me and finishing the decorating. We have our tree up but that’s about it. I am not complaining at all, really. I’m just sayin’.

So what have we been up to? Well, a couple of weeks ago our JJ started having visits with his birth mother. JJ has been in our custody for eight months and had not seen his birth mom in six full months to the day when DCS decided she could begin her visitations again. When JJ came to live with us he was a terrified, incoherent little baby who had been living his 15 months of  life in a drug induced, secluded run down hotel environment where he spent most of his days either sleeping all day or laying in his crib with a bottle. We learned this as we began realizing that at nearly a year and a half of age he had never experience a bath before (because he screamed uncontrollably every time we bathed him because it terrified him so badly), he had never eaten solid foods before (because he gagged every time I offered him a banana or cheerios) so I introduced him to baby food at 15 months of age and then began transitioning to solids, and because sunlight and loud noises were too much for him and he couldn’t take a lot of it. He wasn’t speaking one word. Despite the mound of age appropriate toys within his reach in his bedroom, he wouldn’t play with anything. For more than a month, I carried him everywhere I went. Fast forward eight months and you wouldn’t ever know he was that little boy. He has speech therapy twice a week where he now recites parts of his favorite books with his teacher, where he repeats almost any word on command and is now using words to try and communicate with us (such as ‘stop’ when we are tickling him and ‘wah-wah’ when he wants his cup of water). He will be two years old this month and has yet to use more than two words at a time and only uses a handful of words appropriately. He loves baths and calls them ‘tub tub’ instead of bath tub. He loves the outdoors and the sunshine. He is no longer afraid of loud noises but still has a lot of fear of abandonment and will not let me out of his sight for too long. He eats everything. I mean everything. And he eats so fast that he nearly chokes at every meal because he wants it in his tummy so fast he forgets to chew his food. He eats the same thing we eat at every meal. Along with speech therapy twice a week he attends a ‘Birth to Three’ program taught by Little Tennessee Valley Education Coop at Lenoir City Elementary School on Mondays and loves his teachers. He no longer cries when I drop him off but instead runs toward the mound of activities they have waiting for him. The child we have now is nothing like the child we received in April.

So take a child who was awakened to the world around him with a loving, caring family and who had not seen his birth mother in six months and try handing him over to her who he sees as nothing more than a complete stranger and this is what he and us have been subjected to the last two weeks. The first week, he screamed. He didn’t recognize any of the people trying to take him from me, who he knows as his mommy, and wasn’t in any way shape or form going to be left with them. I had no choice but to hand him to someone, tell him I loved him and would be back shortly, and walk out while he screamed with his arms outstretched towards me and crying ‘mommy’. Talk about heartbreaking. That day, when I returned to pick him up, he was overjoyed to see me and nearly jumped out of his birth mother’s arms and shouted very loudly “MOMMY!!” to me. What an odd position I was in but glowing on the inside. The second week it wasn’t much different although he didn’t cry much. As we entered the DCS office and he saw his birth mom and the visitation supervisor he quickly whipped around and laid his head on my shoulder gripping his fingers into my back very intensely.  His birth mom kept trying to take him from me and he wouldn’t have it. I was finally able to set him down on the floor and he walked toward the playroom when he recognized a DCS employee who had visited him several times in our home. Again, when I returned to pick him up, he was overjoyed to see me and jumped in my arms. To him, it is no different than dropping him off in the nursery at church. He doesn’t like it but knows he doesn’t have a choice and also knows I will return shortly and he is reassured by that. I hate this for him and I will admit that I hate it for myself, too. The system is broken. We know that. But this is the first time we have witnessed the system begin to fail a child and I have already made everyone at DCS aware that if they fail this child we are done. In the last year we have had seven children come through our home and six have returned. Successfully. The system worked for those children. This time it is different. I can’t be a part of it knowing there are children out there in other less fortunate countries who do not have government systems in place to protect them, clothe them and feed them and who possibly need us more than the children in our country who at all times are being taken care of by someone. So that’s that. We’ll see what the future holds. “Be STILL and know that I am God.” I chant it all day every day. It’s all I can do.

So aside from this addition to our already very busy schedule, I have with a friend been planning a Christmas party for CAPA, our foster parent association for Loudon and Monroe Counties. We have approximately thirty homes in these two counties and in each home is anywhere from 1 to 5 foster children at all times. We had about 70 folks RSVP. With money raised through our two fundraisers, we had a total of $868. How were we going to pull this off AND buy each child a gift that wasn’t just a piece of crap!?!? That’s when God stepped in. The vice principal at a local elementary school learned we were looking for a location and being an adoptive parent herself said she would let us use their gymnasium for FREE. which included basketball goals, a giant area for a bunch of wild kiddos to run for two hours, tables, trash cans…absolutely everything we needed! Also, the supervisor at our local DCS office attends a large church here in town who owned their very own bounce house and he arranged for us to borrow it for FREE. We received a $100 gift card donation from Wal-Mart to use toward the purchase of gifts and were able to spend $20 on each child….all 41 of them!! My friend Charity’s youngest adopted son, Mason, just had his first birthday party about a week ago and received way more gifts than he needed and two of some things so she provided gifts for about six of the very young children on our list by donating things he received at his party. This saved us so much money! Papa John’s gave us a great deal on 20 pizzas. Food City donated two dozen cupcakes leaving us to only have to pay for six out of the eight dozen I ordered. All the paper products and wrapping paper needed we purchased from Dollar Tree and saved a ton. Lastly, Charity’s father came wearing a borrowed santa suit and personally gave each child his/her gift. I stood beside santa for a little while and heard the children telling him things they wanted. One little boy said, “Do you remember seeing me at my school the other day?” It was precious. All in all, we fed and entertained about 70 people for little to nothing. We are in fact broke with only maybe $20 left in our account but we made a lot of kids really happy. To beat it all, because they are technically still in state custody although living with their grandmother for the last nine months, our three boys we had last winter (A, T & J) were able to come with their grandmother so our boys were so happy they got to play with them again. These boys all love each other so much. They’ll be brothers forever. I am attaching as many photos as I can without showing too many faces (I am not legally allowed to show faces). The faces you see are of those already adopted like my friend Charity’s blonde headed angel, Mason. I didn’t get one photo of her Kaden. For those of you who loved on our three boys last winter, you’ll enjoy seeing them almost a year later….perfect, happy and well cared for by their grandma. They’re amazing, smart, healthy & SO well behaved! Thank you to all who helped us sell tickets to our pancake breakfast and who helped in any other way make this a very successful and joyous event for so many children in distress.

Merry Christmas!

This is enough for me.

Posted by KK on Thursday, 2 December, 2010


If you can see this, then you might need a Flash Player upgrade or you need to install Flash Player if it's missing. Get Flash Player from Adobe.

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25: 40

Learning curves.

Posted by KK on Friday, 26 November, 2010

I think I could say I’ve largely always been a grateful person (I hope God doesn’t read my blog). For most of my life I have understood how wealthy I am (not monetarily speaking) and filthy rich with blessings that many are without. I know that I have been greatly blessed, but I don’t often stop to actually express my gratitude to God and others.

This holiday season I am going through a journey and to be quite frank I have had a difficult time finding things to be thankful for (besides the obvious choices…my husband, children, home, provisions, etc.) amidst many frustrations that are surrounding me during this time in my life. It was not by coincidence that early this week while we were away on a short family vacation I opened up my devotional and it was all about gratitude. Attaboy, Jesus.

The definition of gratitude is learning to recognize and express appreciation for the benefits we have received from God and from others. I needed this broken down for me and my book was very helpful with that…

Recognize – To fully recognize what we have to be grateful for is to open the eyes of our hearts and be alert focusing on the goodness of God each day…a treasure hunt for blessings. This is a daily struggle for me at which point I find myself wallowing in mud and have to mentally pull myself out of the rut I am sinking in and slap myself around a bit. I really do have so much to be thankful for and I know what these many things are.

Express appreciation – Be intentional about thanking God as well as others for all blessings that come our way which in turn gives us frequent opportunities to invest back into those who are involved in our lives…our return gift to them and to the Lord. I can do this and do it genuinely. Thanking people and God for blessing me comes easy. Apologizing….well….let’s save that for another post.

Being mindful of the benefits we have received helps us squeeze bitterness and entitlement from our hearts replacing negative with positive. Our heavenly Father has showered us with many good and bad things. I am learning that these ‘bad things’ (because who complains about the good things?) in my life are benefits intended to make me more like Jesus.  This is so true in so many vastly different areas of my life. Only recently have I actually been able to thank God for certain very negative things and unfortunate circumstances of my life after truly realizing they all have a purpose and I am beginning to see the purpose very clearly. It is, of course, very hard to see when you’re in the midst of a trial. Perhaps it comes with spiritual maturity (which I do not profess to have but am growing each day).

Today I am thankful for much. I have a rough week ahead. Prayers for the Baileys, if you will. ;)

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” ~ Colossians 3: 15-17

My beloved.

Posted by KK on Monday, 22 November, 2010

This is what I’ve had the pleasure of being married to for 13 years today!


Ukrainian orphans need our help!

Posted by KK on Friday, 19 November, 2010

I was largely unaware of the below until I read about it this morning and I acted upon it. It takes minutes. Would you take 5 minutes to copy and paste the below email (adding your name) and sending it out to our state representatives on behalf of the many orphans this will affect? I simply cannot imagine being one of the families patiently waiting for their child to come home only for something like this to happen and put their dreams and the life of their waiting child at a potentially permanent stand still. Some of us can adopt. Some of us can financially support others who are adopting. And some of us can simply be an advocate and volunteer minutes of our day to help a child. Which one are you?

The below post was borrowed from this blog…a family who has adopted two sweet boys from the Ukraine. And if you have the time, here’s another favorite blog of mine who has very recently adopted two young girls from the Ukraine, both with Down Syndrome. They are pure angels.

Even if you don’t feel the call to adopt, you can get involved in orphan care. And here’s a simple way to get involved today…
By now, most of you have probably heard about the decision in Ukraine to go forward with a vote to halt international adoption until an inter-country agreement is in place. Please take a moment to write to your senators & congressmen, then encourage your friends and family to contact do the same!

Below you’ll find a letter that you can use, or write your own.
To send a letter to your congressman:

To send a letter to your senator just click on the state and follow the link:

Please help us get the word out!!

Dear (name),

I am writing to you today regarding a VERY urgent situation. Many families in the US are currently in the process of adopting children from orphanages in Ukraine. Most of these children are older or disabled. American families adopting these children offer them what may be their only opportunity at a normal and productive life free of crime, prostitution, or institutionalization due to illnesses that are treatable in the United States. I personally know one of these families.

On November 3, 2010, the Ukrainian parliament voted to proceed with voting on legislation that would halt all international adoptions until inter-country adoption agreements are in place (see the State Dept. announcement at . At this point, all that is needed for this to become law is one more vote in Ukrainian parliament and a signature by the Ukrainian president. This could happen any day. If it does, many families and innocent children will be greatly affected. I personally know one of these families.

I am writing to you to urge you to act quickly on this matter by 1. Contacting your Ukrainian cohorts and requesting a consideration of revision of the law to allow adoptions to proceed while the agreement is being drafted (as was done in Russia) and 2. Work with your colleagues in congress to begin drafting this agreement so that it is ready to go in the event the law passes.

Thank you for your timely consideration of this urgent matter!

Christmas traditions…

Posted by KK on Wednesday, 17 November, 2010

It’s here, folks. The long anticipated Christmas shopping post. As we approach this holiday season we see ad after ad for Christmas gifts pour in to our homes via television, newspapers and internet. {Doing away with our television was one of the very best decisions we ever made} This felt like a good time to suggest to you a better way. If you are reading this post then you have a) a computer with internet connection and b) you can READ. So you are already richly blessed. What more do you need?

Before the holidays last year I read a blog post somewhere about a family whose tradition is that they give only four gifts to their children:

Something they WANT.
Something they NEED.
Something to WEAR.
Something to READ.

I thought it was brilliant. Since Jason and I became parents, we have had a very real problem with accepting a truckload of gifts for our kids from everyone under the sun and even ourselves. Our children have so much and it has never been a goal of ours to teach them that life is all about taking and getting and always longing for the next big thing. It is no secret that I struggle with anxiety and over the last several years I have become increasingly anxious about the holiday spending, not because Jason and I are spending too much, but because I find myself needing to make a trip to Earthfare for groceries and end up stuck in traffic at Turkey Creek for hours because of all the mad shoppers out spending hundreds and thousands of dollars on complete crap that no one needs when there are so many better things we could be using our money for. It smothers me and I cannot breathe. It makes me so sad that this is how most of the world is.

So we introduced the idea to our kids and I won’t lie, they were just a little surprised when they learned they were only getting four gifts. They had obviously been spoiled in past years but it is important we all understand that it is ok to disappoint our kids when it comes to issues like this that we know will ultimately create a better adult and it is never too late to start a tradition like this. The closer we got to Christmas, the more excited they became trying to guess what they were getting. I have always let them pick out their own wrapping paper that I wrap only their gifts in so we’ve never had the need for tags but then I tagged their gifts last year with the WANT/NEED/WEAR/READ tags. It was an amazing time and lesson for us all and we are doing it again this year and every year going forward. The other day the boys made out their lists with some suggestions (because Jason and I will make the ultimate decision on what they get). You know your kids are well provided for on the inside and outside when they cannot think of one single thing that they NEED. On Wheat’s list beside his NEED he put “Nothing!!”. On Lake’s list beside NEED he put “money to donate”. They all put down that they wanted a new pair of gloves for their WEAR (River specifically wants a pair with rubbery grip stuff in the palm so he can grip things…lol).

Christmas is about our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. He was born into this world and would later give His life for me and for you. Why would we want to taint such a day with selfishness and greed? We can give to others. We can use our hands to serve others. It is our duty as Christians to do this in His name.

“For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Would you consider doing something different this year? You WILL be blessed!


Posted by KK on Sunday, 14 November, 2010

As I walked out of Target today I stepped on a crack with my left foot. I saw about three more cracks on the pavement from where I stood before I got to where Jason was parked waiting for me. I was hoping to step on the next immediate crack with my right foot {because whatever my left foot does my right foot also has to do so they always remain in perspective} and it didn’t line up with my stride so I missed it. It is important that it all just falls into place like it was all a part of a plan so I wanted to try again to see if it naturally worked out. So approaching the next crack, I shortened the distance I was stepping out with my left foot, increasing the distance with the right, so that by the time I reached the crack perhaps my right foot would have landed right on it. Missed it again. With one crack and a very short distance left I knew if I didn’t want to shuffle my feet in order to step on the crack then I was indeed going to miss it leaving my right foot completely bummed out because it didn’t feel the completeness of stepping on a crack. I don’t like things being left incomplete and I decided drastic measures had to be taken. So I shifted my feet {which is not something a person can do discretely because you are actually swapping your front foot with the back foot in mid air without progressing forward… like a little hop & swap maneuver} and my right foot ultimately landed perfectly on the crack just before reaching the car. <insert fireworks imagery>

As soon as I did my little hop & swap, I looked around to see if anyone saw me and I caught two people starring right at me with the oddest looks on their faces. They probably just thought I like to spice up the way I walk from time to time. Luckily, they can’t read my mind. Then again, if I was worried about what people thought of me I would be posting this little incident on my blog.

My boy and his vanity…

Posted by KK on Friday, 12 November, 2010

If you follow me on Facebook, then you likely saw my post from several weeks ago that read:

~ For those of you who do not know already, Lake is my comedian. If it weren’t for him, I’d likely never update my status. This morning, his dad called and was apparently asking him what he was doing because I heard Lake reply “Oh nothing, I’m just rollin’ like I always do. Just being flawless.”
Clearly, we need a devotion on vanity today.

My sweet Lake…he is so vain. I have wondered for a long time how much of it was truly how he felt and how much was just his perfectly timed comedy he likes to share with me and Jason. I do know for more than a year now (since he began taking gymnastics from our friend Matt) that he really likes being strong, bragging about his strength and showing off his muscles. It is quite hilarious. So lately I have had a few talks with him about vanity. I just thought maybe since the cockiness has intensified a little that it was time he was told that isn’t really the way God intended us to act. I know when I bring him down a notch, he listens. In fact, he has strong convictions about things and if he learns that he is doing something wrong, most of the time he corrects it quickly. Love this boy’s heart.

So that was probably a couple weeks ago or more that I began calling him out here and there about his attitude and he has indeed changed it already. My mom got the boys a new step-by-step ‘how to’ drawing book yesterday and they all spent at least two hours at the table drawing. The drawing below was one he did and I nearly fell over laughing when he brought it to me.


{Click on the drawing to enlarge}