My girls…

This entry was posted by KK on Tuesday, 16 July, 2013 at

Posting about two of my favorite girls this morning… sweet and only daughter and one of my best friends.

This is my best friend, Heather.


Heather is one of the most amazing gals I’ve ever known. She is so loving and caring. She doesn’t judge. She loves everyone for exactly who they are. There just aren’t enough amazing adjectives in the dictionary to describe her. She and I met when her husband, Dan, began dating. Dan had been Jason’s best friend since they were kids so I knew I had to like this Chica and it was easy.

In late April she felt a lump in her stomach and after a trip to the ER, a CT scan followed by many tests she was told she had follicular lymphoma. After another week or so upon receiving more results from more tests they told her that she had not one but two types of lymphoma, also known as “double hit” lymphoma, meaning one was growing inside the other. Double hit lymphoma is rare and has only been known for about five years and only successfully treatable for two. You know what her response was? “Thank God I wasn’t diagnosed with this five years ago!” Love her. So much.

Heather has to undergo seven rounds of chemo every few weeks which puts her in the hospital for five days. After only two rounds of chemo she had a PET scan which showed her tumor had shrunk from 12 cm to 3 cm. Incredible, right?? She just completed round three like a boss. I can’t wait until she is fully HEALED!! She and her family live in Chattanooga and it sucks really bad that I can’t be there with her all the time to help. She has such incredible friends and family around her who are such a gift and I am so thankful for them all. I’d like to ask you to pray with me for her, her family, and all her friends who are tirelessly cooking meals, running errands, taking her healthy food to the hospital, running her kiddos around to various practices, etc., all while Dan works & helps take care of Heather at home and in the hospital. This girl, y’all….I’m tellin’ ya. She’s the real deal. Please pray with me!

My little angel, Blu Belle Meadow….


We’re smitten over this one and have been since the day we met her in the NICU at 5 weeks old. She & Ev will be 2 1/2 in a couple weeks and they’re just the center of our world all the time with their funny little personalities and tantrums and everything. Our baby girl is having eye surgery in a few weeks to fix the muscles which are making her eyes turn in. We’ve known for some time that surgery was in her future but I didn’t really think it would be so soon. She began crossing her eyes when she was about 11 months old and by her first birthday she had glasses. She is extremely far sighted and will wear glasses and/or contacts the rest of her life. In addition, the muscles in her eyes are not doing what they should be. We’ve been seeing the opthamologist every two months for the last year and a half and this past Friday she told us it is time for surgery. This will be the first time our little girl has been sedated and while the surgery itself is extremely common with some typical risks I am always very freaked out when one of my adopted babes has to be sedated because we know little to no medical history on any of them despite them all being domestic adoptions. In her medical history she still has and will always have “history of epilepsy” listed because of how her body decided to withdraw from the drugs in her system that she was born addicted to despite being cleared by her neurologist more than a year ago. As a mother, I can’t help but worry. She is also going to be very uncomfortable with stitches in both eyes and I just don’t even care how much ice cream I am going to have to give her to make her not rub her eyes or cry all the time because of the pain. We love this little one to the bones, crossed eyes and all, and if it weren’t affecting her brain capacity and learning I would tell them I don’t want her eyes fixed. They’re perfect and they’re just a part of her unique little self. Our entire month of August will be full of pre-Op appointments & post-Op appointments. I know we’ll be fine but I’ve yet to really grasp all this because I’ve been so busy so I’m asking you to pray with me for our little girl that this surgery, one that her doctor says she routinely does several of every week, is smooth with as little complications if any and that this one takes the first time (another risk is that the surgery has to be repeated once or twice in a matter of months).

Thank you all & God Bless!

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